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Mark Your Calendars- Dance Season!

Forever Dance offers dance classes from recreational to the competitive side.  Our classes are open to ages 1 year and up.  Classes always begin in September and go through the mid to end of April with an annual end of year recital the first weekend of May.

We are always taking new and prospective dancers throughout the year, but recital participation will be based on session enrollment.

It is best and encouraged to sign up for the full season and as soon as possible to ensure enrollment space and recital participation.   Enrollment begins late July/early August on a first come first served basis.

Yearly Schedule

We offer classes in all genres for varying ages and abilities.  Our class list includes: rhythm movers (ages 1-3), tumble tots (ages 1-3) creative movement (ages 3-5), Combo ballet, jazz, and tap dance (ages 5-10) ballet, PBT, jazz, tap, pom, hip hop, lyrical, contemporary, Acrobatic Arts Curriculum, leaps/turns and technique, Strength and Stretching with Sugarfoot Therapy, improv and choreography classes.

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